Function call not working, please help check?
# support
here's the ID: 0e39be6e-dbed-4c32-81c5-b188914f4649 also no 'logs' is shown in the call logs in the part before summary **
Hi @Leo, I'm an AI assistant for Vapi. I'll analyze available sources and get back to you shortly.
----------------------------- **While I generate an answer, here are some sources that might be helpful**: * [Outbound Sales Example]() * [Create Phone Call]() * [Inbound Support Example]() * [Get Call]() -----------------------------
### Answer I'm sorry, but without access to real-time data or the ability to directly investigate specific call IDs like "0e39be6e-dbed-4c32-81c5-b188914f4649", I'm unable to provide specific insights or resolutions regarding the function call issue you're encountering or the absence of logs in your call logs. For issues with function calls not working as expected, it's important to ensure that the server URL is correctly configured to handle function calls, as outlined in the documentation related to setting up your server URL for function calling [(1)]() . Also, ensure that your function definitions within the assistant configuration are correctly set up [(2)]() . If you're experiencing an "unknown-error" or missing logs, it could be related to various issues ranging from configuration errors, network issues, or issues with third-party services like transcriber or text-to-speech providers. Documented cases of "unknown-error" often require looking into specific call details or system logs for a deeper investigation [(3)]() [(4)]() [(5)]() . Given the limitations, I suggest reviewing the configuration steps for function calls and ensuring all third-party service credentials are valid and have not expired. For missing call logs, it might be helpful to check if the issue persists across different calls or scenarios. For more detailed analysis or if the issue persists, it might be helpful to reach out to others in the community on platforms where Vapi users share insights and solutions, keeping in mind the sensitivity and privacy of your project details.
Got it. Tagging @User for additional help.
check staging area
in the normal dashboard the logs works now already, thanks Sahil
Glad I could be helpful. Feel free to create a new thread with any new questions you may have.
Please tag me in threads that I was a part of from the start.
@Sahil can I use the gpt4 0409 model? what is the actual name to be used under ' ], provider: 'openai', model: 'gpt-4-1106-preview', fallbackModels: ['gpt-4-0125-preview', 'gpt-4-0613'], semanticCachingEnabled: true, temperature: 1, functions: [ {'?
I see, so for now the latest 0409 version not yet added?
Hi Sahil, can you help me find the logs for this call id please: 67192520-a309-43d4-af35-2430d5266081 there's a bug that occured whereby my function calls wasn't triggered properly, it was fine previously I think (like a few days ago), but without logs I can't find out what's wrong