An error occurred in this call: unknown-error
# support
Hi, for some reason calls are not being received since adding a booking function. It connected and the message said accepted a few times, I've removed the function and republished and now the call just hangs up. Any suggestions please This is my call ID 695f3a42-681a-43bf-a460-2bb5414a8771 Now it's connecting and saying accepted. Not sure what the problem is, I've added a deepgram API, they gave $200 in free credits so that shouldn't be the problem.
Hi @Tarek Maximus, I'm an AI assistant for Vapi. I'll analyze available sources and get back to you shortly.
----------------------------- **While I generate an answer, here are some sources that might be helpful**: * [Create Phone Call]() * [Get Call]() * [Call Ended Reason]() * [List Calls]() -----------------------------
### Answer The "unknown-error" message you're encountering can be caused by a variety of issues, and without specific details, it's challenging to pinpoint the exact cause. However, issues like this can sometimes stem from problems with the integration of external services (e.g., Speech-to-Text or Text-to-Speech providers) or issues with the assistant's configuration. One documented case related to "unknown-error" involved an expired API key from a service such as Deepgram. When the API key for an integrated service expires or is invalid, it can lead to failures in the call process, resulting in an unknown error, as seen in a community discussion [(1)]() . Another aspect to consider is the proper handling of function calls within your assistant's logic. If a function is not executed or handled correctly, it might lead to unexpected behavior or errors. Ensure that the server handling the function calls is correctly set up and that the assistant's configuration aligns with the expected workflow. For more information on function calls and server events, refer to the server events documentation [(2)]() . It's also beneficial to review any recent changes made to the assistant or the booking function. Sometimes, reverting to a previous state where everything was working and then gradually reintroducing changes can help identify the cause of the issue. Given the specific nature of your problem and the need for access to detailed logs and configuration settings, a thorough examination by the Vapi support team might be necessary. While I can't directly solve the problem without more details, I hope these pointers help guide you toward a resolution.
Got it. Tagging @User for additional help.
@Vapi Support the Deepgram I use is built in, I haven't used an API prior.
Thanks for the follow-up, @Tarek Maximus. I'll get back to you soon.
----------------------------- **While I generate an answer, here are some sources that might be helpful**: * [Web]() * [Inbound Calling]() * [Outbound Calling]() * [Introduction]() -----------------------------
### Answer If you're using the built-in Deepgram transcriber with Vapi and haven't manually integrated an API key from Deepgram, your setup relies on the default configurations provided by Vapi. Typically, Vapi abstracts the complexities of integrating with transcription services like Deepgram, aiming for a seamless experience. However, if you're facing issues with calls not being received or other unexpected behavior after adding a booking function, it might indicate a configuration or compatibility issue within the assistant's setup or the specific functionalities you've implemented. Given the built-in nature of the Deepgram transcriber in Vapi, troubleshooting steps could include checking for any recent updates or changes made to your assistant that could have affected the call flow. Consider reviewing the assistant's logic, especially around the newly added booking function, to ensure it adheres to the expected call handling and interaction patterns. For issues directly connected to the integration's inner workings or specific error messages like "unknown-error," without direct access to logs or detailed system insights, my capabilities to provide a precise resolution are limited. The information provided within the official documentation and resources doesn't detail handling such specific scenarios directly. For cases like these, it might be beneficial to consult the documentation provided by Vapi for insights on best practices and common troubleshooting steps for assistant development and integration with services like Deepgram [(1)]() [(2)]() [(3)]() [(4)]() [(5)](
iption-providers) [(6)]() [(7)]() [(8)]() .
Got it. Tagging @User for additional help.
@Tarek Maximus can you ask this question in OH?
@Sahil resolved during call, sawpped out the numbers and it works. Thank you