Getting started questions...
# support
I just heard about Vapi and I've been playing around with it. It's pretty cool. I work with a school and I have a large set of PDFs with information to answers any question a parent/student might have about the school (it's basically a huge FAQ knowledge base). I can't figure out how to get Vapi to use my own knowledge base. How do I do that? Is there a video tutorial? My second question has to do with capturing information from a prospective family. Let's say a parent calls in and wants to talk to an admissions director. In order for an admissions director to know how to contact the parent, the vapi assistant would need to collect information about the parent like the first and last name, email address, and phone number, child's grade, campus interested in (there are several), etc. Is that possible? And would it be possible to send that information to Hubspot after being collected?
Hi @cryptooonite, I'm an AI assistant for Vapi. I'll analyze available sources and get back to you shortly.
----------------------------- **While I generate an answer, here are some sources that might be helpful**: * [List Assistants]() * [Update Assistant]() * [Create Assistant]() * [Get Call]() -----------------------------
### Answer Integrating your own knowledge base, like a set of PDFs, directly into Vapi to answer specific queries isn't directly covered in the provided documentation. Vapi excels at handling voice interactions, including capturing information during a conversation through defined workflows or assistants [(1)]() [(2)]() . However, processing and extracting information from PDFs to use as a knowledge base for answering specific queries would require additional processing outside of Vapi's described functionalities. This might involve using other tools to convert your PDFs into a structured format that could be programmatically accessed by Vapi during a conversation. As for capturing information from callers (like prospective family details) and sending this data to Hubspot, Vapi can indeed collect specific information during a call through customized assistants and workflows [(2)]() . You can design an assistant to ask for and record details such as names, email addresses, phone numbers, and other particulars. Subsequently, integrating with Hubspot or any other CRM/external system to send this collected information would typically be handled through your server's logic. After collecting the data, Vapi can make HTTP requests to your server with the collected information [(3)]() . Your server could then process this data and use Hubspot's API to update your records accordingly. This process of capturing data and integrating with external systems like Hubspot is feasible but requires custom development work on your end to handle the data once Vapi sends it to your server. It's important to note that while Vapi facilitates capt
uring and forwarding call-related data, the direct integration and automation with external platforms (like sending data to Hubspot) depend on your system's backend logic and the capabilities of the third-party API (in this case, Hubspot's API). For more detailed guidance and potentially finding a video tutorial or further assistance on integrating with external databases or systems, I recommend checking Vapi's official resources or reaching out directly for support through their channels.
Vapi doesn't have it's own knoweldge base yet. They are working on it. Best bet would be creating a function to lookup the knowledge base stored elsewher or something.
If you use the api you can chose a openai assistant that already has a knowledge base
(the vapi api)
Ok. Thanks. How much content can I put in the System Prompt? Maybe I can just put everything there. Also, I'm trying to figure out if it's possible to call into Vapi and at a certain point, if the assistant determines it's appropriate or the caller requests it, the assistant can forward the caller to a specific phone number (I have multiple phone numbers that people might need to get forwarded to).