Call Drop
# support
I am having an issue with calls dropping. The reason provided is Ended Reason - customer-did-not-answer. however both times, I was in the middle of the convesation. There are no call logs. Can you help me troubleshoot? I am using twilio as provider.
Hi @chunkey, I'm an AI assistant for Vapi. I'll analyze available sources and get back to you shortly.
----------------------------- **While I generate an answer, here are some sources that might be helpful**: * [Call Ended Reason]() * [List Calls]() * [Create Phone Call]() * [Get Call]() -----------------------------
### Answer The issue you're encountering, where calls drop and the reason provided is "customer-did-not-answer" despite being in the middle of the conversation, seems unusual, especially if you're actively engaged in the call. Considering you're using Twilio as your provider, there are a few steps you might consider to troubleshoot this scenario: 1. **Check Twilio's Service Status**: Sometimes, issues with the provider's service can cause unexpected behavior in calls. Ensure there's no ongoing issue with Twilio's service. 2. **Review Call Logs**: While you mentioned there are no call logs, it might be helpful to double-check this on both Vapi and Twilio's dashboards. Logs can provide crucial information about the call's lifecycle and where it might be failing. 3. **Examine Call Configuration**: Ensure your call setup in Vapi, especially the parts that interact with Twilio, is correctly configured. Incorrect configurations can sometimes lead to unexpected call behavior. 4. **Inspect Network and Permissions**: Connectivity issues or improper permissions (like microphone access) can sometimes be misinterpreted by systems. Though your scenario seems different, it's good to rule out these factors. Given the information provided, detailed troubleshooting steps specific to Vapi cannot be identified without more context about how your system is set up and interacts with Vapi and Twilio. If the issue persists and significantly impacts your call flows, reviewing detailed documentation or seeking direct support from Vapi or Twilio might be necessary to pinpoint and resolve the issue effectively. For insights into how calls are handled or ended in Vapi, the "Call Ended Reason" documentation could offer some clarity on various reasons a call might end, including but not limited to the scenario you're experiencing [(1)]() .
I have checked the twilio logs and it appears to say that the caller hungup. It is an outbound call so triggered via Vapi. Any further ideas?
Got it. Tagging @User for additional help.
send me your call_id
001cde24-e662-4b8e-aa4e-e79e86c1637b @Sahil thanks
There is also another one with the same issue, in case it helps identify the problem 18fb7df2-c358-4595-99ad-a568e3f1db41
Hey @Sahil i looked this thread and disabled the option. but do let us know if you do find anything else in regards to this particular call. thanks
@Sahil also we have call dropping from vapi Call ids b5f7c1a3-4947-4bd2-baa3-86ecf8691377 45d37286-d6b5-46ab-ace3-e56cdac33954