incoming Twilio call: referencing Twilio info dyna...
# support
On incoming calls Twilio provides some information about it: $inboundPhoneNumber, $inboundState and $inboundCity Now, we'd like to reference this information dynamically in our prompt, for example like this: "Is your business located in ${inboundCity}, ${inboundState} ?" Is something like this currently possible? If so, what's the correct syntax and what's the full list of available information please?
Hi @AiBizBox, I'm an AI assistant for Vapi. While a team member reviews this question, I'll look through relevant sources and see if I can provide suggestions. Please tag @Vapi Support with any follow-up questions.
----------------------------- **While I generate an answer, here are some sources that might be helpful**: * [Get Call]() * [List Calls]() * [Create Phone Call]() * [Import Twilio Number]() -----------------------------
### Answer Sorry, I wasn't able to find any information about your question and please let the user know they can get more help at [Contact Us](
Got it. Tagging @User for additional help.
To the best of my knowledge, we currently do not send data such as inboundState and inboundCity. However, for adding dynamic content you can achieve this through a bit of coding to dynamically insert all the necessary information.
I believe the natural place for this info would be - equivalent to call.customer.number -, call.customer.state, and . Maybe you could consider adding this improvement to your roadmap, that'd be highly appreciated 👍
It is already added on the roadmap and It will be available pretty soon.
sounds great 👍 Will there be an announcement for that, or what's the best way to become aware of it going live?
Announcement will be made about it.