Webhook Data not having createdAt and endedAt
# support
The webhook of type status-update or end-of-call-report is not sharing the actual duration of the call like startedAt and endedAt field is also coming as null.
Hi @IP_NINJA, I'm an AI assistant for Vapi. While a team member reviews this question, I'll look through relevant sources and see if I can provide suggestions. Please tag @Vapi Support with any follow-up questions.
----------------------------- **While I generate an answer, here are some sources that might be helpful**: * [Create Assistant]() * [List Phone Numbers]() * [Update Assistant]() * [Get Phone Number]() -----------------------------
### Answer Sorry, I wasn't able to find any information about your question and please let the user know they can get more help at [Contact Us](support@vapi.ai).
Also, the cost is coming as zero most of the times.
@IP_NINJA can you share some call_ids in which you got cost zero?
@Sahil Here are some call_ids c0c86261-ac0a-4931-9e99-33abe64d05e7 15ce2d9a-f13f-4373-98e2-be1d06ccbfc8 0a38b8d6-7261-4051-867c-8ae39964dc15 3070bc83-586e-4385-b72a-3105a6e31676
So, I confirmed with my team regarding this, and it is currently stalled due to performance issues. It will be fixed very soon.
Thanks @Sahil . I hope we start getting the cost, start and endedAt fields soon. I have one more question regarding the call transfer. Is there any way I can make the bot stay in the call after transferring the call?
Can you elaborate?
I mean if a call is going on and bot decides to transfer the call to an agent. Then is there any way that we can add the third person in the call via conference instead of dropping the bot from the call.
Hello @Sahil I am using a voice from 11labs in VAPI by providing my 11labs account key. But the sounds is not same as it is sounding in 11labs. Can you tell the exact configuration of 11labs voice settings to capture the exact voice from 11labs with the voice id. I am using the same voice id but the vapi's voice is missing the bass in the voice which is there in 11labs.
No, there is no way to do it as of now. But, maybe in future, we can achieve it.
The sound quality varies significantly between phone calls and web calls. Therefore, you may not be able to achieve the exact sound quality you desire. However, you can experiment with the settings provided in the voice settings to potentially improve your sound quality.
Thanks @Sahil for the explanation.
Glad I could be helpful. Feel free to create a new thread with any new questions you may have.
Glad I could be helpful. Feel free to create a new thread with any new questions you may have.
Was this issue fixed? (startedAt and endedAt fields null in end-of-call-report). Or should we retrieve this data another way now? I don't receive this fields in wehbook call now? I noticed that the webhook post payload changed, for instance for this callId
, here are the call object I receive in the end-of-call-report webhook payload. I don't have startedAt neither endedAt fields in it anymore.
Copy code
call: {
      "assistantId": ,
      "createdAt": ,
      "customer": {
        "number": ""
      "id": "c5920305-f1cb-492a-a666-50aed0cfd658",
      "metadata": null,
      "phoneCallProvider": ,
      "phoneCallProviderId": ,
      "phoneNumberId": ,
      "status": "ringing"
We are working on it to fix it.
Ok. For now I am calling the call/{callId} endpoint to retrieve the full details.
We are still missing the endedAt and duration portions in the end-of-call-report. Has this issue been fixed?
Is there a timeline on a fix for this?
Currently, there is no timeline for it.
That's what I do now indeed. But I don't get your point, It's a end-of-call report so the call is finished. We have the the
and everything, we should have this data in the report. And we received these values before something changed on Vapi side which forced me to get the call after.