Dynamic Call Forwarding
# support
Hello everyone, I have a question. Has anyone achieved dynamic call forwarding? For example, I have a bunch of phone numbers and I want to forward them dynamically. Does anyone have any ideas on how I can do this?
I saw this property in the create assistant endpoint, but my use case involves retrieving specific data, which includes phone numbers, from a vector database. I want to forward the call to respective phone numbers which I received from query. Considering I have almost 100+ numbers, using forwardingPhoneNumbers doesn't seem feasible to me. So, is there an alternative or a way to achieve this?
You can call a function that can queue up the calls retrieved outbound either from vapi or twilio/vonage programmatically
Okay. So, basically, you are saying that we can get the current caller, who is in the queue, using Vapi. After this, we can use Twilio to forward this call through some API endpoint?
Anyone able to successfully use forwardingPhoneNumbers? I've see the numbers that i want to forward to but calling them from within the prompt is a challenge.
I've set the numbers...
YESSS HOW can we do it
Hello Abed. Are you looking for a solution as well?
yes @ARAI-db
I am
hello Abed. First you have to update your assistant with the number you want to forward to. { "forwardingPhoneNumbers": [ { "number": "+17775551212", "message": "Hello, world!" }, { "number": "+17775551212", "message": "Hello again!" } ] }
And then I was told that you have to reference these forwarding numbers in your prompt and instruct the assistant on when/how to use them at the time of using the transfer function.
This is the bit that I'm having a problem with.
@SANAVA this is how it is done if u were curious - this would be an amazing tutorial to make - it and inbound calls
thanks @ARAI-db !!!
No problem. If you find the fix for the prompt and how to select each one please let me know.
@SANAVA I tried the following but unfortunately it didn't work. - if yes, you will forward the call to number +155512126433. use the transferCall function.
Vapi support provided this - You can provide all the possible numbers at the start of the call on which you want to forward, and instruct the Language Learning Model (LLM) to determine the appropriate forwarding number based on certain conditions being met.
Hey guys. Support sent the following link on how to setup the prompt to use the forwardingPhoneNumbers https://docs.vapi.ai/call_forwarding
Can you setup multiple forwarding numbers in the UI
No. You need to use API for that
Bah. Ok thank you.
@Sahil is that under consideration for a future update?
Yup. But not right now.