RAG config
# support
Hi this is in the docs You can easily plug your RAG system with Vapi through function calling or using a custom LLM implementation. Any working examples of RAG with VAPI? Specifically langchain or anything as can’t find any details thx
yes, I did! its working great
Hey thanks for this! Can I ask what the Vapi agent code looks like? I’m working my way through the Vapi docs… Interested in the VAPI function code as want to implement langchain calls thanks
I just created an assistantant in vapi,created a function "knowledgebase" with the property "question" and prompted the assistant to call this function whenever a question about the company is asked.
so there is no code in my case
Thanks for replying...Will check out this approach
Thanks @SANAVA so you have created a pinecone for company Info ? Or does it have more than company info like product, services, prices etc.. just curious if one rag function is sufficient or need to build more than one function
i have all the info about the company saved in an airtable and just uploaded that into a vector db