"Sorry, a few more seconds" response issue
# support
Hi, I recently started using Vapi and really love the product - great job! I am working on building a voice assistant and am encountering the "I'm sorry, a few more seconds" response - I've looked through the discord and see other people have had this issue but all of the instances I could find are with assistants that are function calling and I don't believe that's the case with me. My assistant has no functions. This only happens with Claude, not GPT. It was not happening at first, I initially had several conversations where there were no issues but then it started happening and does it every time after (I get the first message, I ask my first question, it gives a good response, I ask a second question, it says "Sorry a few more seconds). I thought it may have to do with the fact that my system prompt is rather long or that I set my max tokens too high but I have shortened the system prompt and reduced the max tokens to 250 and I still have this issue. Any thoughts?
hm, interesting. mind sending call id? also is this still happening?