Check availability pipedream error
# support
have been trying to set up checkavailability and bookappointment for some time now. keep getting this error in pipedream. ai assistant is also giving error. dont know what it is.
using this timeformat when setting up pipedream
when i return to the setup of function call this appears
the setup does fill it with random characters, but during the call it should use the format you provided for the property description
the function does seem to trigger but with handle error
you should be able to see what the LLM is sending to pipedream. Is it in the correct format?
the second step in pipedream should parse the parameters from Vapi's HTTP request
yep its off
here i asked for the availability for tommoraw at 12
got the year, month and day wrong
I see, I had the same problem that I'm working on today. It seems like the LLM doesn't understand todays date. You can add it to the prompt. But then it sometimes hallucinates if the user asks for a date "next wednesday". Seems like the LLM isn't too smart when calculating dates. I found a work around by including this in the prompt: Date guide: Today: 2024-03-25 Monday: 2024-03-25 Tuesday: 2024-03-26 Wednesday: 2024-03-27 Thursday: 2024-03-28 Friday: 2024-03-29 Saturday: 2024-03-30 Sunday: 2024-03-31 Next Monday: 2024-04-01 Next Tuesday: 2024-04-02 Next Wednesday: 2024-04-03 Next Thursday: 2024-04-04 Next Friday: 2024-04-05 Next Saturday: 2024-04-06 Next Sunday: 2024-04-07
okay so i add this to the prompt and try again
Yea should work. I am building something today so this hopefully gets automated before the call starts. @nikhil said its possible for inbound calls using this
still gave an error
what about this: null.handleError (/var/task/common.js:38:40)
I don't know what that means. it looks like it isn't using the correct format still. There was a 'Z' at the end of your setup params but not when the LLM inputs the dates. is that last 'Z' needed for a correct request?
idk i copied it from the tutorial
ill try without the Z
Yea probs just need to spend some time troubleshooting until you get it to work.
without Z it gives bad request error