Help with the Danish speaking bots.
# support
Hello, I decided it would be appropriate to place this message in the support section because I'm seeking assistance while also willing to offer my own support in return. It's fantastic that Danish is now included among the many new languages you provide. However, after testing your Danish-speaking bot, it's evident that many of the voices are designed for other languages, leading to a peculiar sound from the perspective of a native Danish speaker. If you could assist me in identifying the optimal mix of voice, model, and other setup components, I'd be eager to contribute by evaluating and providing feedback based on the impressions of a native speaker. 🙂
Hello, Vapi doesn't have its own synthesizer. Instead, it integrates multiple services into one, allowing you to choose according to your needs. If you require a Danish-related synthesizer, examine the synthesizer plugins offered by Vapi. Check their site to determine if a particular synthesizer is suitable for you.