The AI isn't waiting for my response
# support
I'm prompting one of my AI assistants but for some reason, the assistant doesn't wait for me to provide a response. It just continues with the rest of the questions that it's meant to ask without ever stopping to allow me to speak. How can I resolve this issue?
Hey Saien, thanks for reaching out. To resolve the issue with your AI assistant not waiting for your responses, you can adjust the
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settings in your assistant's configuration. The
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parameter determines the minimum number of seconds to wait after user speech before the assistant starts speaking, while
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sets the number of words to wait for before interrupting the assistant.
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  "responseDelaySeconds": 0.4, // Adjust this to increase or decrease delay
  "numWordsToInterruptAssistant": 2 // Adjust this to change interruption sensitivity
Thank you for the response @0xpranjal.eth ! I'm not sure why but I can't seem to adjust the responseDelaySeconds toggle by 0.1 on the Vapi website - it only seems to allow increments of 1s. But when I do a patch request to update the assistant before the call with responseDelaySeconds" = 0.4 and "numWordsToInterruptAssistant" = 2 it does update the assistant settings but it still doesn't seem to change the fact that the AI doesn't listen for my response sometimes. I've also tried increasing the values. There are even cases where it responds for me and then just continues to the next question and proceeds to answer that question for me as well. It's really confusing
As soon as I changed the LLM from groq to open ai it worked. Hmm seems to be some issues going on with groq.