Extract audio file mid call
# support
Is there a way of saving an audio clip of the user's first few utterances on a call? This would be useful for voice biometrics, where a file needs to be sent to the API to verify it. Hope that makes sense.
Hi @geepayne, I'm an AI assistant for Vapi. I'll analyze available sources and get back to you shortly.
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### Answer Sorry, I wasn't able to find any information about your question. You can get more help at [Contact Us](support@vapi.ai).
Got it. Tagging @User for additional help.
No, if possible to get an audio file of the first 5 or 10 seconds of the caller's words to send to the voice biometric API
Currently vapi only creates audio file at the end of the call. How can I get an audio file while the call is still live?
Actually, you can't get it. I think you are trying to build an authentication kinda of setup if I am not wrong or is it something different?
Yes exactly, it's for authentication using voice matching
Any suggestions? Or is there a way to add another system to a live call to do the recording?
I can provide a workaround, but it requires substantial coding knowledge. Whenever a call is triggered and you're subscribed to the webhook request, you receive a http://vapi.daily.co/ link. This link is where all the audio transmission occurs, so you can use it to capture the user's first 10 seconds of speech. I'm not entirely sure, but I believe this method could potentially fulfill your use case. Please note, I haven't tested this with a phone call to confirm whether or not a [daily.co](http://daily.co/) link is included in that webhook request, so you'll need to verify this.
Hi @Sahil, can you shed more light on this now that we have the image above showing the daily.co link? What next steps would you suggest?
I would write a script for a bot who will join daily.co and listen to the sound and will write some logic for it to record only first occurrence.
Hi @Sahil , there is a request for an Daily.co API key when trying to access the room. This will need to be Vapi's API key right? What should I use there? https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1234142771535806546/1236518189161250846/Daily.co_API_key_requested.png?ex=66384ccd&is=6636fb4d&hm=0caff82b43ebbe77adede361f61712b7eb54b4d4c5042b063f656f15b810febb&
When you create a new Call the daily.co temporary link is there in the response object for which you don’t need to enter anything
The daily.co link works without any auth as I sent in the ScreenShot, we just need to find a way to record a sample of the person.