Vapi tranferCall
# support
How to call transferCall function From out custom llm {URL}/chat/completions by SSE We are sending SSE Event {‘data’: ‘{“id”:“308c6de4-edab-49f3-88e1-ca691c01d673",“object”:“chat.completion”,“created”:1714057861,“model”:“hidden”,“system_fingerprint”:null,“choices”:[{“message”:{“role”:“assistant”,“content”:null,“function_call”:{“name”:“transferCall”}},“index”:0,“logprobs”:null,“finish_reason”:“function_call”}]}’, ‘event’: None, ‘id’: None, ‘retry’: None, ‘comment’: None, ‘DEFAULT_SEPARATOR’: ‘\r\n’, ‘LINE_SEP_EXPR’: re.compile(‘\\r\\n|\\r|\\n’), ‘_sep’: ‘\r\n’} Call summary { "message": { "type": "end-of-call-report", "endedReason": "pipeline-error-custom-llm-llm-failed", "transcript": "User: Hello.\n", "summary": "I'm sorry, but the transcript you provided seems to be incomplete. Can you please provide more context or additional content so that I can create a summary for you?", "messages": [ { "role": "system", "message": "You are an assistant.", "time": 1714057859418, "secondsFromStart": 0 }, { "role": "user", "message": "Hello.", "time": 1714057860606, "endTime": 1714057861106, "secondsFromStart": 1.04 }, { "role": "function_call", "name": "", "args": "{}", "time": 1714057862189, "secondsFromStart": 2.714, "message": "" }, { "role": "function_result", "name": "", "result": "hidden", "time": 1714057862549, "secondsFromStart": 2.714 } ], "recordingUrl": "hidden", "stereoRecordingUrl": "hidden", "call": { "id": "eeaf6257-0913-4f43-93ee-97075649a1a2",
Hi @Darkhan, I'm an AI assistant for Vapi. I'll analyze available sources and get back to you shortly.
----------------------------- **While I generate an answer, here are some sources that might be helpful**: * [Function Calling]() * [Introduction]() * [Create Assistant]() * [Server Events]() -----------------------------
### Answer I'm sorry, but the information provided doesn't directly align with the detailed resources I have access to regarding the
function or handling custom LLM integrations with Vapi. The
function allows for transferring calls within Vapi's framework, typically not requiring explicit call setup via SSE events from a custom LLM server [(1)]() . For a more tailored solution or guidance on integrating custom LLMs with Vapi, especially for operations like
, you might need to consider more specialized technical details or consult directly with Vapi's documentation or technical support to ensure compatibility and correct implementation.
Got it. Tagging @User for additional help.
Call id?
"call": { "id": "eeaf6257-0913-4f43-93ee-97075649a1a2",
🔵 15:11:02:200 Couldn't Complete Completion Request. Error: { \"message\": \"Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'function_call')\", \"stack\": \"TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'function_call')\n at handleOpenAIStream (/util/openAIUtil.ts:193:20)\n at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)\n at CustomLLMRequest.request (/components/liveCallPipeline/streams/completions/requests/customLlmRequest.ts:69:5)\" } Params: @Darkhan You are not sending the data properly. Read the custom llm guide
@Sahil could you send example data for transferCall calling
@Darkhan you don't need to add transferCall function it will be automatically populated by Vapi