Vapi class missing in the vapi_python library afte...
# support
hello everyone, I'm new to this so maybe its my mistake somehow but when I install vapi_python library inside the file it only says """main()""" and the class "Vapi" Isn't defined and therefore I can't import it.
Hi @Eilia, I'm an AI assistant for Vapi. I'll analyze available sources and get back to you shortly.
----------------------------- **While I generate an answer, here are some sources that might be helpful**: * [Vapi Python SDK]() * [Web]() * [Vapi Web SDK]() * [Vapi Flutter SDK]() -----------------------------
### Answer It sounds like you're experiencing an issue with the installation or usage of the
library. The expected behavior after installing the library with pip is to be able to import and utilize the
class as detailed in the documentation [(1)]() . Here's a quick recap of the steps you should follow to ensure you're using the library correctly: 1. Install the package via pip:
Copy code
   pip install vapi_python
2. Import the
class from the package in your Python script:
Copy code
   from vapi_python import Vapi
3. Create a new instance of the
class, passing your Public Key as a parameter:
Copy code
   vapi = Vapi(api_key='your-public-key')
If the
class is still not found, it might be a good idea to ensure that the installation was successful and that there are no environment-specific issues that might be causing the library not to work as expected. Additionally, make sure that you are working in the correct Python environment where the library was installed. If the problem persists, revisiting the documentation or checking for any library updates might provide further insights. Ensure your development environment meets the library's requirements as specified in the documentation .
Got it. Tagging @User for additional help.
Clone the repository and directly use the codes meanwhile I check the code why it is missing their is import issue.
Thanks Sahil👍