Error - Over Billing Limit.
# support
I've adjusted my billing limit on the billing page, but I continue to get an error when I try to call the assistant. Please help!
Hi @geepayne, I'm an AI assistant for Vapi. While a team member reviews this question, I'll look through relevant sources and see if I can provide suggestions.
----------------------------- **While I generate an answer, here are some sources that might be helpful**: * [Billing Limits]() * [Create Phone Call]() * [Set up your Server URL]() * [Inbound Support Example]() -----------------------------
### Answer It sounds like you've already taken the step to adjust your billing limit on the dashboard, but if you're still encountering the "Billing Limits Exceeded" error, it could be due to the system not immediately reflecting your updated settings. Here are a few steps you can consider: 1. **Verify the Adjustment**: Double-check the billing limit adjustment in your dashboard to ensure the changes were saved correctly. 2. **Wait and Retry**: Sometimes, it may take a short period for changes to take effect. If it's been less than a few hours since you made the adjustment, consider waiting a bit longer and then retry. 3. **Check Account Status**: Ensure there are no other issues with your account or billing information that might be affecting your service. If these steps do not resolve the issue, you might want to reach out directly to Vapi support for assistance, as they would have access to more specific account details and can provide a resolution tailored to your situation [(1)]() .
please increase the limit here in billing tab in dashboard
I did that, but the error still happens
did you add your credit card above?
Yes it is there
what is the limit you have set?
It was initially at the original 10 and I just put it at 1000
put 20
also put in your card again and referesh
Thanks I appreciate your attempts to help. I have been trying various amounts and have input my card a few times now without success. On a previous post in this group someone had a similar issue and @User stated that even though the person had changed it on the billing page, in the backend it still had the lower value. So I suspect that is the similar issue I'm having
Got it. Tagging @User for additional help.
Send me your account email address and I will check it out.
Hi Sahil, looks like using a different card solved the issue, thanks for your help!
You are welcome.
@User Hii, Help my account is blocked by "Over Billing Limit."
Add your card and increase the monthly limit it will fix the issue
It works thanks