11labs get's stuck after 1st msg
# support
1. 11labs starts ok with the first massage and then it just doesn't respond, I use the web interface, and I use gpt3.5 with 1000 tokens, deepgram, nova2 and that's it, after saying the first answer it just doesn't reposnd.
Hi @TheSnowguru, I'm an AI assistant for Vapi. While a team member reviews this question, I'll look through relevant sources and see if I can provide suggestions. Please tag @Vapi Support with any follow-up questions.
----------------------------- **While I generate an answer, here are some sources that might be helpful**: * [Update Assistant]() * [Billing Examples]() * [List Assistants]() * [Create Assistant]() -----------------------------
### Answer It sounds like the issue you're encountering with ElevenLabs (referred to as "11labs") might be related to configurations or a specific technical hiccup in the interaction between the components you're using (GPT-3.5, Deepgram's Nova-2 model, and ElevenLabs' TTS). To troubleshoot, ensure that all your integration settings align with the recommended configurations and that your use case doesn't exceed the token or time limits set for responses. For detailed guidance on configurations and troubleshooting, checking the official Vapi documentation and reaching out directly for support via [Contact Us](support@vapi.ai) could provide more targeted assistance. Given the specific components you're using, it's also worth reviewing any recent updates or changes in the API documentation for each service (such as Deepgram and ElevenLabs) and ensuring that your implementation is up to date. Sometimes, issues arise due to changes or deprecations in API features that require adjustments in your code or configuration settings. For more detailed assistance specific to Vapi configuration and troubleshooting, I recommend reviewing the Vapi documentation for insights on optimizing your assistant's setup and behavior [(1)]() , [(2)]() .
Got it. Tagging @User for additional help.
I have the same kind of problem. I am trying to do a voice assistant that is using Finnish as a spoken language. I am really confused.
Can you share your call id? @TheSnowguru and @Minskiist76
I dont have call id , can send assistant id
If you initiate any call then you will have a call id which you can find in the call log
Its in the dashboard?
my call: issue is solved. my other issue: https://github.com/VapiAI/docs/issues/58
I send you DM, where my callID is. I am from Finland, so excuse my short answers. 😊 Finnish people tend to go straight to the point...
The same happens to me with neets
Hi! Here is my callID: 1be98a2e-06f9-42e3-bb37-dfe013c0451d. The assistant hangs up the web call after the first answer.
The call ended because the assistant said the end-call phrase. This means that an end phrase was added and it matched, causing the call to hang up.
@Sahil But the bot does not listen, what the customer says: For example in this case: cdde9edb-b97f-47ab-8be4-217d2468c633 . Or in this case: 16b23758-5a33-4fe2-b7a4-8dab528bd1e. I just cannot understand what I am doing wrong here?
Hi, Im facing a similar issue. The earlier agents dont give the first message either. the new ones have the same issue where it doesnt go beyond the first message. ID 4468f4ab-ee8a-4371-a3e6-1363b073925c
Hi @Minskiist76 i think i figured the issue. Its to do with 11labs credits and plan. i changed the voice to openai and it worked.. Checked 11labs and that had hit the credit limit
Okay! Nice work! I will do something with that problem! Thank you for your effort, really appreciate this!
cdde9edb-b97f-47ab-8be4-217d2468c633 : silence-timed-out (This means that there was no response from the user side, which is why the call was hung up. You can increase the silence-timed-out to 60 seconds.) 16b23758-5a33-4fe2-b7a4-8dab528bd1e: Can you try a different transcriber and voice, and let me know if this issue still persists?
Yes the problem is still there. I changed the transcriber into deepgram and the voice into openai. The call ID is this: d55720c6-7127-4d7e-8a33-965c20dc7ce7. I have checked my microphone.
And I tried it with another web browser too
Can you send me your assistant demo link url in DM?
I have send you my link. I hope you can find a solution 😊 Thank you for your advice.
Will take a look today and get back to you!
Glad I could be helpful. Feel free to create a new thread with any new questions you may have.
Please tag me in threads that I was a part of from the start.