I'm having trouble connecting into the webcall URL...
# support
What I'm doing: I'm using bubble.io's API Connector plugin, Creating a Post Request for "Create Web Call" Receive the data back including the WebURL (vapi.daily.co_____) I am visiting that URL. When I arrive at the url, it's got the vapi listener & speaker but doesn't say anything, after 5 second I get kicked out. In the "call" area of my Vapi Dashboard I see "Ended Reason customer-did-not-give-microphone-permission" But mic is absoltely working, in the 5 seconds im in there I can even see levels moving up and down when I do a sound check.
Will follow up on this
Hey Jay, just following up
Hey, you shouldn't make requests directly to the /web endpoint, you should use the Web SDK or web Snippet.
I see, so I'm bubble, but sounds like I'll need to use the web sdk and use a bit of code haha 🤣
You can't think of a way of doing this directly in bubble can you?
You might be able to use the snippet https://docs.vapi.ai/voice_widget
Yea that's how I'm using it currently since I couldn't get the other way working. Thanks 😊
We've seen people have success with this in bubble: https://github.com/VapiAI/html-script-tag
But, I unfortunately don't have any more details
Thanks for @nikhil. Just a suggestion, it would be amazing if there was some way I could return the Call ID from this HTML script Vapi Instance. Currently my process is once the call "started" is triggered, I am doing a List Calls GET request, and targeting using the Created At least and At greatest. Limited to 1 result & including the assistant ID. But as we scale I can see this being an issue if 2 users created an instance within a second of eachother.
Hi @araSh, did you ever find a way to get the callID from that html-script-tag implementation?