Unable to import Twilio number
# support
I have a new Australian Twilio number and from Dashboard > Phone Number > Import - I entered the phone number Twilio Account SID, Twilio Auth Token, and Label and it fails to import. I see an error msg saying Error in Importing the Phone Number, Couldn't Get Twilio Number, Error: Authenticate I don't see anything else I am supposed to set up within VAPI, is something else needed in Twilio to get this to work? Or it is a bug and can I do it a different way such as with the API or providing the info to support via email. Thanks
Hey Steve! Looking into this.
Tested with both Aus and US regions and rechecking I have the right Account SID and Auth Token, still no success. If there is anything I can provide to help, let me know.
Hey Steve, ran it by team, may be an issue w/ Twilio credentials. They recommended this video where Jason walks through all of that on our platform https://x.com/RelevanceAI_/status/1768106549808168984?s=20
that 2min demo shows nothing to do with Twilio
what credentials are you entering?
some more info for you from our documentation: If you're working with phone numbers not originally bought on Vapi but are from Twilio, you can use your Twilio credentials within Vapi. Specifically, for phone numbers, Vapi documentation mentions fields for twilioAccountSid and twilioAuthToken. These fields are used for Twilio Account SID and Twilio Auth Token, respectively, for phone numbers not purchased through Vapi. This allows you to use your Twilio-based numbers seamlessly with Vapi services by providing these credentials when you list, update, get, buy, or delete phone numbers through Vapi's API. For example, when listing phone numbers or getting the details of a specific phone number, you'll see the twilioAccountSid and twilioAuthToken fields in the response, indicating that these credentials are associated with the phone number in question. Similarly, when buying a new phone number or updating an existing one, you have the option to specify these Twilio credentials as part of the request body. This is crucial for integrating Twilio phone numbers with Vapi's voice AI capabilities. Should you need to import a Twilio number into Vapi, these credentials will play a key role in the process, enabling Vapi to verify the number and configure it to work with its services.
Found the vid I think you were meaning to send


In the vid where it shows Twilio Jason shows getting the info on this page https://console.twilio.com/ and the Auth Token on this page is different to the one when getting it for a specific phone number (which is what I was using). Cool thing is that it now imports. Maybe a usful update to the docs to show people where to get these requirements
sorry man
appreciate you digging that up, helps me too 🙂
I'm working on a Jack Nicholosen Few Good Men bot with a cloned PlayHT voice right now
love what you can do w/ the cloned voices
looking forward to extending my web tests that are working well to testing on the phone over the coming days and getting it into prod
! keep me posted on how it goes
will do
I was able to import the Twilio number, I can see updates on Twilio side, but still not working, says 404 for the endpoint in the Twilio console calls logs.
Could you give me the number that's not working?
sent in DM
Did you managed to fix this? have same issue here
interesting. What's the best way how to connect with support? is it through discord?
Yes @heyitseg support@vapi.ai or here works. Sorry about the delay. We have been slammed and scaling up processes. Check out the video linked above. It will point you to the right key to use.