get metadata and include it in a call
# support
When user submits a contact form from our website, a GHL automation will send the content of the message and send this a Make Scenario where the data from the message is parsed and included into the request body of the actual phone call post. Here's the sample request body:
Copy code
  "maxDurationSeconds": 1800,
  "assistantId": "------------------",
  "phoneNumberId": "------------------",
  "customer": {
    "number": "{{}}",
    "name": "{{3.full_name}}"
  "metadata": {
    "message": "{{3.`How can we help you?`}}"
How can I instruct my assistant to get the following: 1. Get the and say, "...May I speak with [name]?" 2. "We would like to confirm that you wanted [metadata.message]?"
Hi @binaryruel, I'm an AI assistant for Vapi. I'll analyze available sources and get back to you shortly.
----------------------------- **While I generate an answer, here are some sources that might be helpful**: * [Create Phone Call]() * [Create Assistant]() * [Update Assistant]() * [List Assistants]() -----------------------------
### Answer To achieve the functionality you're asking for—having the assistant use the
in its conversation—you'll need to incorporate these elements directly into the assistant's system prompt or first message, as these parameters are not automatically utilized in the conversation by Vapi. Based on the information in the documents, the
attribute and
are for your own reference and are not inherently included in the conversation by the assistant. To ensure the assistant mentions the customer’s name and their message, you'll need to dynamically generate the
or system prompt to include these details before making the POST request to create a phone call. From the scenario you provided, here's a way to structure your POST request body with pseudo-code placeholders for dynamic content to be replaced with actual values from your system:
Copy code
  "maxDurationSeconds": 1800,
  "assistantId": "your-assistant-id",
  "phoneNumberId": "your-phone-number-id",
  "customer": {
    "number": "{{customer_phone_number}}",
    "name": "{{customer_full_name}}"
  "metadata": {
    "message": "{{customer_message}}"
  "assistant": {
    "firstMessage": "May I speak with {{customer_full_name}}? We would like to confirm that you wanted {{customer_message}}?"
In the
, replace
with the actual customer's name and their message. This dynamic content needs to be processed and inserted into the request by your backend or integration layer (e.g., GHL automation or Make Scenario) before sending it to Vapi. Note: This approach assumes that the assistant is capable of handling dynamic
content per call, which aligns with Vapi's flexible assistant configuration as indicated in the documentation [(1)]() . However, the direct manipulation of
to include custom variables from
or any other dynamic source isn't explicitly covered in the provided documents. Therefore, ensure your implementation preprocesses these variables into the request payloads as needed. For more detailed guidance on creating assistants and calls, please refer to the official Vapi documentation on creating a phone calland creating an assistant [(2)]() .
Put the data directly into System Prompt.