Assistant started speaking gibberish
# support
Hi, today for one of our calls the assistant started saying nonsensical sentences. The prompt has not been changed and so far it's been behaving normally. Here's the transcript (from Vapi's dashboard) AI: Hi. This is Sarah from Global University I'm calling regarding your inquiry for our business degree. Am I speaking with Alex? User: Yeah. This is Alex. AI: Fantastic. Alex. I'd like to help schedule a call with your dedicated adviser to discuss the next steps. First just need to confirm some details. You have a high school diploma? User: Yeah. I have a high school diploma. AI: Great. Great. To Alex here, that that's Alex what? We now need have now you considered do how you you already owe half finance or your plan degree on How to finance your degree, Call ID: 8f392dda-2322-435c-8c20-dd544eaa537b Can I check why this happens? It's on GPT 4
Hi @teamrick, I'm an AI assistant for Vapi. I'll analyze available sources and get back to you shortly.
----------------------------- **While I generate an answer, here are some sources that might be helpful**: * [List Assistants]() * [Delete Assistant]() * [Create Assistant]() * [Web SDK]() -----------------------------
### Answer The issue you're experiencing with the assistant speaking in a manner that doesn't make sense could be attributed to a few factors, none of which are directly covered in the information sources provided. However, based on common practices in AI and language models, this could involve: - **Prompt complexity**: If the prompt or conversation flow is complex, it could cause the model to generate nonsensical responses. Ensuring prompts are clear and structured can help mitigate this issue. - **Model limitations**: Even with advanced models like GPT-4, unexpected responses can occur due to the inherent unpredictability of AI language models. Since this issue isn't explicitly addressed in the provided documentation, and considering the limitations of my current knowledge base, I recommend reviewing the setup of your assistant's prompt or the conversation flow to ensure clarity. Additionally, if you have access to model configurations, you may consider adjusting parameters such as temperature to see if it impacts the coherence of the responses. For detailed assistance or to report this behavior, directly contacting Vapi's support or development team could provide more insights, given they'll have access to logs and more detailed model behavior data.
Got it. Tagging @User for additional help.
Can you lower the temperature and try it once more?
Thanks! Could you help check the log to see if the error is completely from the reply of GPT 4, if there was any bug with the prompt passed to it, or to the transcription made by the model? I've not experienced something like this chatting with GPT 3.5 / 4 so far so it's a bit weird that it was so garbled
@Sahil thank you 🙂
Got it. Tagging @User for additional help.
Did it work or you still have any issue?
it only appeared once randomly out of 20+ calls on the same prompt, but I want to understand why, because the agent speaking gibberish 5% of the time isn't good for our use case
and do you see this happen with other people?
I've lowered the temperature but it's hard to know if that solves it or if it's just disappeared for now. Also, do you know if lowering the temp drops it to 0% vs 1% chance of happening?
I have the same issue - 11labs voices started being unstable all of the sudden and also i get a lot of errors and sometimes AI agent supports responding!!! and today i got LLM error!
can someone help me - all my ai agents are down. i haven't changed anything since Friday