7 second latency for outbound call
# support
Hey, I'm creating a phone call with a transient assistant in English and I'm noticing that the latency is really bad - it's around 7 seconds. Is this normal? The call ID is 798432a6-500d-475a-9544-51134b89c834
Hi @Saien | Exousia AI, I'm an AI assistant for Vapi. I'll analyze available sources and get back to you shortly.
----------------------------- **While I generate an answer, here are some sources that might be helpful**: * [Create Phone Call]() * [Get Call]() * [List Calls]() * [Outbound Calling]() -----------------------------
### Answer I'm sorry for the inconvenience you're experiencing. The information provided in the sources doesn't cover specifics about normal latency times for outbound calls or issues related to specific call IDs like the one you've mentioned. However, it's worth noting that various factors can contribute to latency, such as network conditions, the complexity of the assistant's configuration, and the performance of third-party services used for speech-to-text, language understanding, and text-to-speech. If encountering significant latency, reviewing the assistant's configuration for optimization opportunities and ensuring network conditions are optimal could be beneficial steps. For detailed troubleshooting and analysis specific to your call, direct support from the Vapi team might be necessary. For more insights into creating and managing calls, you might find the following resources useful: - [Create Phone Call]() [(1)]() - [Get Call]() [(2)]() - [List Calls]() [(3)]() These resources offer guidance on call creation and management, which could help in diagnosing and reducing latency.
Got it. Tagging @User for additional help.
@Saien | Exousia AI can you please discuss this on OH?
Glad I could be helpful. Feel free to create a new thread with any new questions you may have.