Calls ending part way through
# support
Had a few calls that get terminated mid conversation. Here is an example: 8809b95b-8cbc-4a7a-ad82-32d952c96e18
Hi @westy412, I'm an AI assistant for Vapi. I'll analyze available sources and get back to you shortly.
----------------------------- **While I generate an answer, here are some sources that might be helpful**: * [Call Ended Reason]() * [Create Phone Call]() * [Get Call]() * [List Calls]() -----------------------------
### Answer To understand why your call with ID
was terminated mid-conversation, you would need to examine the
associated with this call in your call logs or through the API response when fetching the call's details using the [Get Call]() endpoint [(1)]() . The
provides insights into why a call was ended, whether due to an assistant-related issue, connectivity problems, or other reasons detailed in the [Call Ended Reason documentation]() [(2)]() . Reviewing the specific
for this call can help identify the cause, whether it's an issue with customer connectivity, an assistant error, or another factor. If the reason is not clear or to resolve the underlying issue, consider examining your call handling logic, ensuring your assistant's configuration is correct, and checking any relevant server-side logic that might affect call stability.
"AnsweredBy":"machine_end_other" @westy412
Correct me if i'm wrong this would mean no voicemail detection would happen? Been seeing high costs for non answered calls if voicemail detection is disabled.
Yeah. No Voicemail detection will happen and call will not be disconnected after 30sec
So guessing this is just a bug and a temporary work around?
I have been seeing this quite a lot. So, I will discuss about this with team members.
If I found any solution will ping you!
Okay, thanks very much for your help! I appreciate the super speedy response.