Number is unavailable?
# support
- Have a paid Twilio account as per my video 🙂 - Can do outbound calls with that European number to my own with any assistant But I can't do an inbound call. So when I call the Euro number my phone provider says that the number doesn't exist. Maybe a Twilio setting? Anyone know?
Hi @Henryk, I'm an AI assistant for Vapi. I'll analyze available sources and get back to you shortly.
----------------------------- **While I generate an answer, here are some sources that might be helpful**: * [Inbound Calling]() * [Phone Calling]() * [Outbound Calling]() * [Create Phone Call]() -----------------------------
umbers or specific regions.
### Answer It sounds like you're encountering issues with inbound calling on your European Twilio number through Vapi. This could be related to regional settings or permissions within Twilio. For calls involving European numbers, there are known issues that require specific settings or configurations within Twilio. For instance, international permissions may need to be enabled on Twilio for outbound calls to work with non-US numbers, as discussed in a community post [(1)]() . While your issue is with inbound calls, similar regional or permission-related settings in Twilio could be affecting the availability of your number for inbound calls. Additionally, there can be configurations needed for the Twilio number to properly route inbound calls through Vapi. Make sure your Twilio number is correctly imported into Vapi and that it's set up to handle inbound calls as per Vapi documentation [(2)]() [(3)]() . If the number is not properly configured to handle inbound calls through Vapi, you might encounter issues like the one you're experiencing. If these steps don't resolve the issue, reviewing Twilio's documentation or reaching out to their support might provide specific guidance on unlocking or configuring European numbers for inbound calls. Remember, for the number to interact with Vapi, it should be properly imported and configured to route calls to your Vapi assistant or server URL [(3)]() . Given the complexity of telecommunication regulations and the technical nuances between services, there's a possibility that additional settings or permissions are required, especially for international n
Thats the set up in Twilio
Got it. Tagging @User for additional help.
Same thing was happening with one person like instead of adding country code add 000 your_number and let me know whether it works or not.
It is some sort of naming convention of their numbers which kinda looks spammy
So I tried +000XXXZZZYYY Also tried 000XXXZZZYYY I'm also calling from the country that the number is in
Didnt work
Can you contact Twilio cause this issue is from their side not us.
Glad I could be helpful. Feel free to create a new thread with any new questions you may have.